
Mission San Juan Capistrano - Dating the Artifacts #2

  Mission San Juan Capistrano - Dating the Artifacts #2 Dating Extant Artifacts at Mission San Juan Capistrano, California In the summer of 2024 I was graciously asked by Mechelle Lawrence Adams (Executive Director) and Jennifer Ring (Mission Archivist) to give four talks at Mission San Juan Capistrano. The first of these talks discussed the story of how the mission was supplied during the Spanish colonial era (1769-c. 1821). This talk was prompted by the exciting discovery of Mission San Juan Capistrano's account books in Mexico City by my friend Dr. Marie Duggan, an economist who teaches at Keene State College in New Hampshire. Not only has Dr. Duggan provided me scans of the account books, she's also graciously assisted me in understanding how they were organized, how the province of Alta California was supplied, and the translation and interpretation of what was ordered and sent to the mission. Additionally, a small group of top-notch historians such as Dr. Damian Bacich